Organizing Commitee

  • Maria Jesús Delgado

    Member EEZ-CSIC


    Ms. Delgado current research interest is "Sustainable legume production and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions". She has 82 publications in SCI (53 en Q1 en Scopus), 20 book chapters, 1 edited book. She has participated as Principal researcher in 7 Nacional Projects, 16 International Projects (1 from FP6), 1 contract. She has been invited to give a talk in 23 International Congresses. She has supervised 13 PhDs. Participated in the organization of 4 Internacional Congresses and Chair of the organizing committee of the 20th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation (september, 2017, Granada, Spain). She was a Director of the Department Soil and Plant Microbiology, Estación Experimental del Zaidín, CSIC (from Marzo-2014).